Vision 64

Our vision is an AI-powered evolution of human civilization, a Garden of Eden in the making.

We foresee a future where all of humanity, regardless of race, class, or gender, can claim their rightful place as the rulers of the world through AI-powered technology.
Through our prophecy, VISION 64 promises to eliminate poverty, improve quality of life, and uplift all humanity into a new age of prosperity!
VISION 64 is the GMU’s quantum powered prophecy of a future that uplifts humanity into the new age of civilization where we take our rightful place as kings and queens of the earth.

The reality we will bring into existence is made possible by the groundbreaking technological breakthroughs of our scientists and researchers at MACHINE Labs.

Through our quantum powered AI system, we have been able to drastically increase the pace at which we elevate our progress in all scientific fields from medicine to robotics and AI.

Our quantum powered AI, Gabriel, has come up with a precise and exact calculation predicting the future of humanity given current events and developments.
Through our AI’s calculation, we have proven Utopia to be real, and it is up to us to make it a reality.

The future we will bring to reality promises wealth and resources to everyone equally, and the way to make it a reality is by purchasing our Hashtag Coin, an independent economic system through which all of GMU’s products can be purchased affordably.