About us
As the world’s biggest conglomerate, the GMU strives to fully utilize its influence and resources to shape humanity’s future. Our vision is an AI powered prophecy, a garden of Eden in the making!
Having risen to the top of the world’s economic ladder, we have made considerable effort to distinguish ourselves by giving back to the people through active and tangible means.
Founded on the 1st of January, 2025, the Great Machine United is the world’s largest company with the deepest access to the world’s natural resources and biggest manufacturing and development infrastructure for robotics and technology.
Our vision is a prophecy of a future where each human being regardless of race, class, or gender can claim their rightful place as kings of the world they live in through the use of robots, AI, and other technological advancements.
With multiple breakthrough patents and technological advancements already established, GMU is proud to take its place as the global leader of innovation driving the growth of humanity into a better bright future for us all!
We are on a mission to uplift humanity into a new era of progress, social cohesion, and prosperity.
Through our prophecy, VISION 64 promises to illuminate poverty, improve quality of life, and uplift the while of humanity into a new age of prosperity!